Wells Salvation Church
Wells Salvation Church has a global vision of the human being and works to present the message of the Gospel in its entirety by considering all the spiritual, moral and physical needs of people, following the model of Jesus Christ. (Acts 10:38).

(Romans 15:18)
To witness to Christ in the Netherlands and throughout the world “by word and deed”.Share the message of the Gospel
To share the message of the Gospel, to denounce attacks on Christian freedoms, and to relieve human suffering in accordance with biblical recommendations.
Needs of people having difficulty
To meet the immediate needs of people having difficulty integrating and adapting to Canadian society, especially new immigrants, and refugees.Motivate Young People
To meet the immediate needs of people having difficulty integrating and adapting to Canadian society, especially new immigrants, and refugees.Present the message of the Gospel
To present the message of the Gospel in its entirety by considering all the spiritual, moral, and physical needs of people, following the model of Jesus Christ. (Acts 10:38);
Wells salvation Church NL Financial report
Income: Wells salvation church has 3 sources of income.
- WSC N has income from every Sunday offerings, this income depends on the people who are available on Sundays. It varies every Sunday
- Second source of income is the tenth this is done with 2% of the members of WSCN. It is their monthly contribution.
- Lastly source of income is special contribution , which is done when there is a special events or conference. Every member contribution equally to achieve the fixed budget of that event.
- The main expenses that WSCN has is the rent, it has a monthly rent of € 275
- Other expenses are for coffee, tea and cookies that are shared after services. And this is done after every Sunday.
- WSCN has also expenses of renting of instruments for music when there is a conference. For example ( Europe shine ) this conference it happens every year. And other conference are prepared according to the action plan.
Finance and remuneration policy
To ensure proper accountability of Wells Salvation Church’s income and expenditures, and all activities undertaken by the company, all financial and non-financial information are properly and promptly recorded and maintained by the Finance department to ensure transparency and accountability.
The financial reports are produced for the Board of Directors on regular basis by the Finance Department on demand or semi-annually or annual business plan repots and budgets.
NB: Wells Salvation Church uses only volunteers (staff) with no salary payment. In case the board of directors decides to use paid staff, the board will adopt a policy on the salary and wage structure of the payment. All resources and finances collected are used only for operation costs and reaching the most people in need related to our mission.