
To witness to Christ in the Netherlands and throughout the world “by word and deed” (Romans 15:18).

To share the message of the Gospel, to denounce attacks on Christian freedoms, and to relieve human suffering in accordance with biblical recommendations.

To present the message of the Gospel in its entirety by considering all the spiritual, moral, and physical needs of people, following the model of Jesus Christ. (Acts 10:38)

To meet the immediate needs of people having difficulty integrating and adapting to Canadian society, especially new immigrants, and refugees.

To help and motivate young people to leave delinquency by interest them in intercultural development associations and training them to reintegrate into the workplace.
Our RSIN RSIN RSIN 850426248
KVK Number Number Number 52397947
Join us in our services: Friday (overnight) from 22.30-5.00 and Sunday from 13.30-16.00 NL time.
ABOUT Wells Salvation Church
Wells Salvation Church has a global vision of the human being and works to present the message of the Gospel in its entirety by considering all the spiritual, moral and physical needs of people, following the model of Jesus Christ. (Acts 10:38).

Prayer Points
Pray and thank God for His wonderful dream and birth of a body in Christ, called the Church of the living God, in Jesus name.

Prayer Service
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